Hive relocation/ Cut Out Removal - Price varies by location - typically $310
A cut out is essentially a bee hive that simply needs to be cut out of something and removed. This can be in anything where comb is built and maintained by the bees (bees are in a wall or under an old box or trash can). I offer cut out removal of bees at a rate of $310 and up depending on location. Cut outs cost more since they are simply more labor intensive, either way it is much better than simply exterminating them!
Take note that there will probably be some bees left over after the cut out, who simply did not want to cooperate and go into the hive. These bees will die without a colony and queen; however, the number is extremely small in comparison to the amount of bees taken. It is about 1-2% of the hive. This is unfortunate, but so is the fact that they need to be relocated. Most of our customers simply enjoy bees but have to have them removed.
Sample of a bee cutout
Below are pictures of a bee cutout. Notice the bowing in the 3 picture from the top left. The bees are in that area. The lower 3 pictures show the bees as I lowered the wood. Take note that these bees also continued to build comb up over the wall and into an attic void space. I had to pull away some more wood in order to get to those as well.