How to move Bees drinking out of poolI have had enough of these calls that I want to pass on a solution that I recently learned about. The water source that the bees are currently drinking from needs to be moved. In order to change their habit of getting water from that source, you must drain the source for a while. If you are installing bees to keep your own, you should consider where the water is on your property and consider draining it for a while, in order to get the bees familiarized with their permanent water source. You may also want to keep the water source close to the hive, and definately closer to the hive than a pool, or other area where bees will gather such as a horse water trough. If you have bees currently drinking water from a pool, make sure you drain the pool for a few days (best to do this prior to the swimming season) and get them a small kiddy pool. Filled with water and close to their hive (preferably with a foam floaty, I use the ones with a mesh inside, where the bees have more surface area to land). Get them use to the kiddy pool then refill the pool, or pond or whatever the water source is, call or email me if you have questions. Happy beekeeping!